October 11, 2018

Arizona State University’s School Arts, Media and Engineering, Digital Culture Series


Doug Van Nort

Distributed Networks of Listening and Sounding: From Tuning Presents to Turing Presence

Drawing on recent projects, in this talk I will discuss my approach to creating performative contexts using computational media that engender intersubjectivity and distributed creativity. Building upon my life as an electroacoustic composer/improviser, this work emphasizes collective emergence and immersion of the non-visual senses as a means to amplify (rather than mute or mask) a sense of presence-in-the-world for individual and group. Machine agents, interactive media and telematic connections are integrated as material conditions and inter-actors that serve to enhance, complexify and challenge this larger network of activity.

June 2018

Ian Jarvis and Doug Van Nort


“Posthuman Gesture”

at the International Conference on Movement and Computing, (MOCO), Genoa, Italy

June-October 2018

Genetically Sonified Organisms (year 2)

an Environmental Sonic Installation by Doug Van Nort

with construction and design assistance from Kieran Maraj

Fieldwork, Maberley, Ontario

June 2018

Doug Van Nort


“Genetically Sonified Organisms: Environmental Listening/Sounding Agents,”

at the International Workshop on Musical Metacreation (MuMe), Salamanca, Spain

April 30th, 2018


Deep Listening and Bio-Sensing Workshop

We will engage in Deep Listening practice while gathering bio signals (heart rate, breathing rate, skin conductance, EEG) from up to five interested participants.

April 21st, 2018


DisPerSion Lab Performers:
Electro-Acoustic Orchestra:
Lauren Wilson (flute), Christopher Anderson-Lundy (sax), Brian Abbott (guitar), Aaron Corbett (modular electronics), Mackenzie Perrault (guitar), Rory Hoy (bass+electronics),
Danny Sheahan (voice, recorder, electronics), Ian Jarvis (digital electronics), Doug Van Nort (Soundpainting)
Stony Brook Performers:
Mary Edwards (keyboards/nord modular, bells), Michael Dessen (trombone)

April 10th, 6:00-8:00pm

biopoetriX – conFiGURing AI

A collaboration between the ArtSci Salon at the Field’s Institute, the Digital Dramaturgy Lab (DDL) / Institute for Digital Humanities in Performance (idHIP) and the new International Performance Series of the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Toronto.

Panel: Performing AI, hybrid media and humans in/as technology
Panel participants:Dr. Marco DonnarummaDr. Doug van Nort (Dispersion Lab, York U.), Jane Tingley (Stratford User Research & Gameful Experiences Lab (SURGE), U of Waterloo), Dr. Angela Schoellig (Dynamic Systems Lab, U of T)
Panel animators: Dr. Antje Budde (Digital Dramaturgy Lab) and Dr. Roberta Buiani (ArtSci Salon)

Event supported by: Italian Embassy in Canada; Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies at U of T; Istituto Italiano di Cultura; Digital Dramaturgy Lab

March 1st, 5:30-6:30pm

Colloquium Series: Lo Bil

object body speak my recordings: a performative lecture determined by object dynamics

“A 20-minute experiment in process development.  I have always seen my archive as a second body, holding the things I cannot hold.  How will these materials affect my improvisation if I attempt to give over agency to the objects in performative space?  Is there an object voice?  What does it look like to blur the boundaries between  my impulses and the will of the objects?  Can believing in this kind of possibility create new outcomes – or does it work better to not trust the possibility at all? “

January 25th, 5:00-7:00pm

Deep Listening Session 

Please note that these sessions intersect with the DisPerSion Lab Research Project “Deep Listening in the Expanded Field”. Participants will be able (but certainly not required) to have their bio-physical signals tracked during the session as part of this research.

In order to manage things, please sign up for a free eventbrite ticket.

Hope to see you there!

Deep Listening is a practice that is intended to heighten and expand consciousness of sound in as many dimensions of awareness and attentional dynamics as humanly possible. It includes bodywork, listening meditations, movement and sound-making exercises. It cultivates a full-bodied and heightened awareness of the sonic environment, both external and internal, and promotes experimentation, improvisation, collaboration and play. Sessions facilitated by certified Deep Listening Instructor Doug Van Nort. All welcome, no experience necessary.

January 18th, 5:00-6:30pm

Hélène Mialet: The Distributed-Centered Subject: From Cosmology to the Finger Prick

We are very pleased to welcome a distinguished STS colleague! Mialet’s work is rigorous, engaging and highly relevant to the lab’s research mission.

Hélène Mialet has held post-docs at Oxford and Cambridge Universities and at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, and positions at Cornell, Berkeley, Harvard, Davis, and presently, in the Department of STS at York University, Toronto. She has worked on a range of topics including Actor Network Theory; scientific and technological practice; situated and distributed cognition; the role of the subject’s body in knowledge production; charisma and organizational management; institutional contexts of creativity and innovation; human-machine interaction; post-humanism; object oriented philosophy; Disability Studies, and the anthropology of medicine. She has wide ranging
ethnographic research experience at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, at the Thermodynamics Lab of France’s largest petroleum company (TOTAL), at DAMTP (The Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University), and currently with caregivers of — and patients with — juvenile diabetes. ​ She has written several books, most notably Hawking Incorporated: Stephen Hawking and The Anthropology of the Knowing Subject (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012); A La Recherche de Stephen Hawking (Odile Jacob, 2014), and L’Entreprise Créatrice, Le rôle des récits, des objets et de l’acteur dans l’invention (Paris: Hermès-Lavoisier, 2008), and has published widely in both the popular and academic venues.